Robozaps is the world's #1 humanoid marketplace

Customer obsessed

We don't just say it, we mean it. We do everything we can to increase customer satisfaction.

Focused on humanoids

All robots are cool. But we think humanoids hold the most promise. This is why we focus exclusively on humanoids.

people sitting at tables in a room with glass walls and a group of people

How it began

“When you find an idea that you just can’t stop thinking about, that’s probably a good one to pursue.” – Josh James

Robozaps began with a simple yet powerful vision: to bridge the gap between cutting-edge humanoid robotics and the people who could benefit from this revolutionary technology.

Our founder, a tech enthusiast with a background in AI and marketplaces, noticed a significant hurdle in the world of humanoid robotics. While brilliant minds were creating incredible machines, there was no central platform for businesses and individuals to explore, compare, and acquire these innovations.

The idea struck like lightning during a late-night robotics conference in 2024. Amidst discussions of servo motors and AI algorithms, our founder realized that the future of humanoid robotics wasn’t just about creation—it was about connection.

Armed with nothing but a laptop and an unwavering determination, Robozaps was born. The early days were filled with countless calls to robotics companies, late-night coding sessions, and the exciting challenge of explaining to friends and family why the world needed a humanoid robot marketplace.

Our first sale—a state-of-the-art companion robot to an elderly care facility—confirmed what we had believed all along: humanoid robotics had the power to transform lives, and Robozaps could be the catalyst for that transformation.

Today, Robozaps stands as a testament to that original vision. We’ve grown from a one-person operation to a thriving marketplace, connecting innovators with forward-thinking customers across the globe. But at our core, we’re still driven by the same passion that sparked our journey: making the future of humanoid robotics accessible to all.

Developed by Blu.Ventures

Our Team

Some of us are actually human

a man wearing sunglasses and smiling

Dean Fankhauser

a man smiling with his arms around his chest

Dan Sutherland

a man smiling for a picture

Ersel Aydin

a robot holding a light bulb

Shaping tomorrow, today

At Robozaps, we’re not just in the business of selling robots—we’re in the business of shaping the future.

Humanoid robotics stands at the fascinating intersection of human ingenuity and technological progress. These machines, crafted in our own image, represent more than just circuits and servos; they embody our aspirations, our creativity, and our relentless drive to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Every humanoid robot that finds a home through our platform is a step towards a future where technology doesn’t just serve us, but understands us. A future where the elderly find companionship, where dangerous jobs become safer, where space exploration reaches new frontiers, and where the limits of human capability are expanded through harmonious human-robot collaboration.

But with great power comes great responsibility. As we usher in this new era, we’re acutely aware of our role as not just facilitators, but as stewards of this technology. We believe that the key to a positive robot-integrated future lies not in fearing these advancements, but in guiding them with wisdom, empathy, and a profound respect for human values.

At Robozaps, we’re more than a marketplace—we’re a movement. A movement that believes in the power of innovation to solve global challenges. A movement that sees in every robot the potential to make life a little bit easier, a little bit safer, a little bit more wonderful for someone, somewhere in the world.

As we look to the horizon, we see a world where humanoid robots are not science fiction, but science fact. A world where they work alongside us, learn from us, and help us learn about ourselves. This is the world we’re building, one robot at a time.

Join us in this journey. Whether you’re a robotics pioneer, a forward-thinking business, or simply someone fascinated by the possibilities of tomorrow, you have a place here. Together, let’s write the next chapter in the human story—a chapter where we harness the power of humanoid robotics to create a future that’s not just technologically advanced, but profoundly human.

At Robozaps, we’re not just connecting buyers and sellers. We’re connecting the present to the future. And the future is wonderfully, excitingly robotic.