
Boston Dynamics Atlas Review

Boston Dynamics Atlas looking straight ahead

Is the Boston Dynamics Atlas the most advanced humanoid robot available? Our Boston Dynamics Atlas review explores its key features, real-world performance, and potential uses to find out if it truly stands out in the field of robotics.

Key Takeaways of the Boston Dynamics Atlas Review

  • Boston Dynamics Atlas is a cutting-edge humanoid robot designed for complex environments, featuring fully electric construction, advanced control systems, and state-of-the-art hardware to perform athletic feats and navigate unstructured terrains.
  • The Atlas robot’s capabilities show potential across various industries such as disaster response, industrial automation, and academic research, promising to handle dangerous, dull, and dirty tasks with human-like dexterity.
  • While Atlas exhibits impressive mobility, agility, and manipulation capabilities, it faces mechanical challenges such as wear and tear on hydraulic components, emphasizing the iterative ‘build it, break it, fix it’ approach to its development.

Introduction to Boston Dynamics Atlas

Heralded as the world’s most dynamic humanoid robot, the Boston Dynamics Atlas is a testament to the convergence of form and function in robotic design. With the promise of utilizing its entire body to navigate complex environments with grace and speed, Atlas is not just a robot—it’s a showcase of Boston Dynamics’ relentless pursuit of the most capable mobile robots.

At first glance, the new Atlas impresses with its fully electric build, a departure from the limitations of its hydraulic predecessors. Moreover, the marriage of mobility, perception, and intelligence in Atlas reflects a commitment to practicality that transcends aesthetics. The original Atlas paved the way, and now, the new Atlas aims to push boundaries even further. Its features include:

  • Fully electric build
  • Advanced control systems for refined movement and balance
  • State-of-the-art hardware poised to perform athletic feats once thought exclusive to humans

Dubbed the next-generation Atlas robot, it’s built to exceed human capabilities, leveraging decades of research to move with unparalleled dexterity. But as with any bold claim, the proof lies in performance. In this review, we aim to critically evaluate Boston Dynamics’ assertions by testing Atlas in real-world scenarios.

Target Audience and Use Cases

The allure of the Boston Dynamics Atlas extends beyond the lab, reaching into the world of industry, academia, and emergency services, showcasing the robot’s capabilities in aiding disaster response, industrial automation, and educational innovation. Envision the Atlas robot, aiding in:

  • Disaster response, weaving through debris with ease, and performing rescues beyond human capability
  • Industrial automation, a realm where efficiency reigns supreme, stands to gain immensely from integrating the Atlas robot into its operations
  • In educational spheres, Atlas becomes more than a tool—it’s a harbinger of innovation, providing students and researchers with a tangible glimpse into the future of robotics.

Like all technology, its success ultimately depends on its practicality. Boston Dynamics Atlas promises to alleviate the burden of dangerous, dull, and dirty tasks. With potential applications ranging from infrastructure inspection to advanced robotics research, Atlas seems poised to redefine what machines can accomplish. Yet, the question remains: can it deliver on its potential in these diverse environments? By evaluating Atlas’s alleged impact on these sectors, we will critically assess this claim.

Unboxing and Initial Impressions

The unboxing process of the Boston Dynamics Atlas is surprisingly uncomplicated upon receipt. The package includes the robot itself, a robust power supply unit, and a user manual that promises to make the initial setup a breeze. The documentation makes sure that even those who are new to robotics are not in the dark by providing safety guidelines and access to an online support portal. The inclusion of a concise initial setup guide is indicative of Boston Dynamics’ effort to streamline the user experience, allowing for quick deployment of the Atlas robot.

The first encounter with Atlas is one of awe. Its imposing stature and sleek design immediately signal that this is no ordinary machine. The power supply unit, robust and ready to sustain the robot’s operations, complements the Atlas’s high-tech vibe. During the setup, we will closely monitor how this humanoid machine smoothly transitions from idleness to a dynamic display of its abilities.

Assembly and Configuration

Activating the Boston Dynamics Atlas requires:

  • A collection of tools, including a torque wrench and screwdrivers
  • Specialized software for diagnostics, control system applications, and a model predictive control platform
  • A detailed calibration process to ensure that each of Atlas’s hydraulic joints and sensors are finely tuned to respond accurately to commands.

It is more complex than assembling a basic piece of furniture, as the company wrote.

As one might expect with such an advanced piece of machinery, safety is paramount. The assembly process involves handling highly pressurized hydraulic fluids with caution, reminiscent of the circulatory system of a living organism. The robot’s initial tests are meticulous, checking the zero moment point and angular excursion to confirm stability and proper balance before any real movement takes place.

The configuration of the Atlas robot is a task that demands technical expertise and precision. It’s a testament to the complexity and sophistication of the machinery involved. Moving forward, it’s evident that Boston Dynamics has made significant investments to ensure that the assembled Atlas isn’t just an engineering marvel, but also a dependable and efficient realization of their vision.

Aesthetic and Build Quality

The Atlas robot, standing as an embodiment of high-tech sophistication, impresses with its aesthetic and build quality. Its frame, a fusion of titanium and aluminum 3D printed parts, ensures a high strength-to-weight ratio. This meticulous choice of materials not only contributes to the robot’s sleek and futuristic appearance but also speaks volumes about its durability and engineering prowess.

Initial impressions of Atlas often gravitate towards its robust and well-engineered construction. The meticulous attention to detail in its design is not just for show; it serves practical purposes, enabling the robot to withstand the rigorous demands of the tasks it is designed to perform.

As we move to assess the robot’s functionality and ease of use, it’s clear that Boston Dynamics has not compromised on quality, striving to create a machine that is as resilient as it is revolutionary. With the new Boston Dynamics release, users can expect the same level of excellence they have come to know and trust.

Mobility and Agility

Boston Dynamics Atlas Review

The mobility and agility of the Atlas robot are arguably its most captivating features. Control algorithms play a pivotal role, enabling the machine to:

  • Plan complex whole-body movements that account for environmental variables
  • Navigate unstructured or challenging terrain
  • Maintain dynamic balance, a feat that mirrors human capabilities
  • Utilize RGB cameras and depth sensors for real-time perception

These capabilities allow Atlas to navigate across a wide array of terrains.

Leveraging model-predictive control, the robot not only predicts its motion but also adjusts its steps accordingly, ensuring smooth navigation and efficient movement. The combination of advanced control systems and state-of-the-art hardware empowers Atlas to perform athletic tasks with agility that often surpasses human capabilities. The athletic intelligence embedded within the robot enables it to adapt to environmental challenges and adjust its movement strategy in real-time.

Despite the impressive videos showcasing Atlas executing parkour techniques, one must remember that these are controlled demonstrations. An electrically driven and hydraulically actuated system powers the robot, providing the force required for intricate movements like acrobatics. However, it remains to be seen how these capabilities perform under less controlled and more unpredictable real-world situations. This is a challenge we shall explore, as we put the robot through its paces outside the confines of a lab environment.

Human-Like Dexterity

Boston Dynamics Atlas

When it comes to human-like dexterity, the Atlas robot is designed to impress. The robot’s ability to perform dynamic manipulation tasks such as lifting, pushing, and pulling objects with precision and agility is a sight to behold. Such tasks compel the Atlas team to delve into precise and dexterous whole-body motion, a challenge that goes beyond the robot’s locomotion capabilities. The Atlas can detect, grip, and move objects of varying sizes, materials, and weights, all while maintaining its balance—an essential aspect of human-like manipulation.

The electric Atlas possesses the following capabilities:

  • Manipulating heavy, irregular objects
  • Accounting for the momentum of objects to prevent them from toppling over
  • Refining control systems to prevent self-collisions during complex tasks

These dangerous tasks are a testament to the complexity of mirroring human capabilities within the human range.

Software upgrades aim to achieve manipulation tasks with human-like speed, increasing the efficiency and capabilities of Atlas in performing what might be considered dull or dirty work. The use of new AI and machine learning tools, such as reinforcement learning and computer vision, enables Atlas to adapt to complex situations that are inherent to the real world in its new version.

Although it might be a bit creepy to see a robot display such human-like characteristics, it’s undeniably a significant advancement in the human form factor of humanoid robots and humanoid machine capabilities, as highlighted in a recent press release. The robot’s capabilities in mimicking human behavior are truly impressive.

Real-World Testing Scenarios

The real litmus test for any cutting-edge technology is its performance in real-world scenarios. To assess the robot’s capabilities in the Boston Dynamics Atlas, a series of practical tests were conducted, encompassing obstacle courses, object manipulation tasks, and tackling dull simulated disaster environments. During these tests, Atlas demonstrated its ability to exert significant force, such as pushing heavy wooden boxes, without destabilizing—a key indicator of the robot’s capabilities in practical scenarios.

Moreover, the development of new gripper variations is evidence of Boston Dynamics’ commitment to enhancing Atlas’s ability to handle diverse manipulation tasks. These real-world tests are crucial, as they provide an objective measure of the robot’s performance outside the controlled settings often showcased in promotional videos.

The evaluation of Atlas’s performance in these testing scenarios is revealing. While the robot displays a high degree of proficiency in tasks that mimic human capabilities, it also faces challenges that are inherent to robotic systems. The insights gained from these tests will provide a basis for identifying limitations and potential enhancements, thereby ensuring that Atlas continues to progress and adapt to the dynamic needs of its intended environments.

Challenges and Limitations

Despite the remarkable feats of engineering behind the Boston Dynamics Atlas, it is not without its challenges and limitations. Some of the challenges and limitations include:

  • Mechanical failures such as dented hoses and burst hydraulic fluids during intense activities
  • The robot’s hydraulic components, especially in the leg actuators, are frequently pushed beyond their intended design parameters, leading to mechanical failures
  • Visible wear and tear on Atlas, including deep scratches and damaged coverings, is a testament to the frequent tumbles and crashes it endures during demonstrations.

These falls are not merely setbacks but are integral to the development process, offering valuable learning opportunities that drive improvements in the robot’s design and capabilities. Technicians, aware of the high likelihood of mechanical issues, perform quick inspections and replacements to ensure Atlas is demonstration-ready, often having backup robots on hand to maintain continuous operation.

The Atlas team’s “build it, break it, fix it” strategy is a reflection of the iterative process involved in pushing the limits of robotic capabilities. Although these challenges and limitations might temper initial enthusiasm, they’re an essential part of the journey to perfect a machine as intricate and ambitious as Atlas. It is through confronting these obstacles that the true potential and resilience of the Atlas can be realized and harnessed for tasks that exceed human capabilities.

Summary and Recommendations

In the field of robotics, the Boston Dynamics Atlas serves as a stellar example of current possibilities. However, it is essential to consider alternatives when evaluating its place in the market. For instance, Agility Robotics offers Digit, a robot catered to research sectors, which may provide a different set of capabilities for specific applications. Gecko Robotics’ ultrasonic inspection robots serve a niche in asset health management, showcasing the diversity of robotic solutions available for commercial use.

In laboratory settings, Hudson Robotics’ automation systems, including robotic arms and liquid handlers, cater to the precise needs of biotech and pharmaceutical research. Figure 01, a humanoid robot by Figure, is designed for tasks in manufacturing and logistics, offering a contrasting approach to the multi-purpose capabilities of Atlas. For maintenance tasks in large areas, Adlatus Robotics’ CR 700 robot offers a reliable solution, featuring advanced navigation and control. Lastly, Covariant’s AI and robotic solutions for warehouse operations highlight the breadth of robotics in streamlining complex operations such as picking and sortation.

In conclusion, even though the Atlas robot is a technological wonder, one must balance its value against its cost and the specific needs of potential users. As we’ve seen, there is a range of robots designed for different tasks and industries that may be better suited for certain applications. Thus, our recommendation is to carefully assess the unique requirements of your operation and consider the full spectrum of robotic solutions before making an investment. The Boston Dynamics Atlas, with its impressive capabilities and potential, remains a significant player in the field, but it is by no means the only option.


The journey through the capabilities, performance, and aspirations of the Boston Dynamics Atlas has been one of awe, skepticism, and revelation. From its dynamic movement and human-like dexterity to the real-world scenarios it navigates, Atlas signifies a leap forward in the field of robotics. Yet, the path to perfection is fraught with challenges, from mechanical failures to the limitations imposed by the current state of technology.

As the curtain falls on this review, it’s evident that the Atlas robot is not just a piece of machinery; it’s a harbinger of a future where robots walk among us, performing tasks that were once the sole domain of humans. The potential for Atlas to transform industries and assist in tasks that are dangerous, tedious, or beyond human capability is immense. While it may not be the panacea for all our needs, Atlas is undoubtedly a step toward a future where the lines between human and machine capabilities become increasingly blurred.

Want to learn about other humanoid robots? Check out this curated list of the best humanoid robots.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the Boston Dynamics Atlas robot unique compared to other humanoid robots?

The Boston Dynamics Atlas robot distinguishes itself with advanced control systems, state-of-the-art hardware, and human-like agility in dynamic movements and manipulation tasks. It also marks a significant transition from previous hydraulic models, as it is fully electric.

How does Atlas handle the unpredictability of real-world environments?

Atlas handles the unpredictability of real-world environments by using RGB cameras and depth sensors for real-time terrain perception, along with advanced control algorithms and model-predictive control to plan and adjust its movements dynamically. However, it still faces challenges like mechanical failures and technological limitations.

Can the Atlas robot be used in industrial or commercial settings?

Yes, the Atlas robot can indeed be used in industrial or commercial settings, as it is designed with a variety of applications in mind, including industrial automation and emergency services. It aims to reduce the danger, repetition, and physically difficult aspects of work, making it suitable for tasks like infrastructure inspection and disaster response.

What are some of the challenges faced by the Atlas robot during development and testing?

The Atlas robot faces challenges like mechanical failures, falls, and crashes during testing, which provide valuable insights for improvement. High-intensity activities often lead to dented hoses, burst hydraulic fluids, and visible wear and tear, contributing to the development process.

Are there alternatives to the Boston Dynamics Atlas for specific tasks?

Yes, there are various alternatives to the Boston Dynamics Atlas designed for specific tasks and industries. These include Agility Robotics’ Digit for research, Gecko Robotics’ ultrasonic inspection robots for asset health management, Hudson Robotics’ lab automation systems, Adlatus Robotics’ CR 700 for cleaning and maintenance, and Covariant’s AI and robotic solutions for warehouse operations. Each offers unique capabilities tailored to different needs.


About Dean Fankhauser

Dean Fankhauser is the Founder of Blu.Ventures and Holdigo, which are the makers of Robozaps, Bitcompare, Movingto, PromptPal, and more.

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