
Figure 01 Release Date, Rumors, and News: What to Expect?

a man standing next to a robot

Figure AI officially announced the release of their innovative humanoid robot, Figure 01, on March 2, 2023. This article provides details on the release, features, and potential impact of Figure 01 across different industries.

Key Takeaways

  • The release date of the humanoid robot Figure 01 marks a significant milestone for both the company and the robotics industry.
  • Figure 01 boasts advanced features such as OpenAI integration for seamless human interaction, high-level visual and language intelligence, and versatile, human-like dexterity, making it suitable for various industries.
  • Figure 01 aims to address labor shortages in sectors like manufacturing, logistics, and warehousing by performing tasks that are often unsafe or undesirable for humans, with future plans to expand its applications to space exploration and elderly care.

Official Release Date Announcement

The robotics world is abuzz with excitement following the official reveal of Figure 01 on March 2, 2023. This cutting-edge humanoid robot marks a monumental achievement in the field of robotics, signaling a new era of innovation and capabilities in industrial and service environments.

In an official statement, the CEO of the AI robotics company highlighted the significance of this milestone. He emphasized that the release of Figure 01 represents a pivotal moment for both the company and the broader robotics industry. With the goal of transforming various sectors through automation, the launch of Figure 01 on March 2nd, 2023, is set to be a watershed event.

Countdown to Launch: Key Milestones

With the launch of Figure 01 on the horizon, the company has already achieved several crucial milestones. The alpha build, marking a substantial step, is complete and five units are currently in production, expected to commence operations within a month. Such swift progress reflects the company’s dedication to advancing robotics technology.

In May 2023, Figure announced a $70 million funding round, which has been instrumental in accelerating the development of Figure 01. Remarkably, the robot has been developed in just over 12 months, a testament to the team’s dedication and expertise. This funding has opened doors for further advancements in both hardware and software, ensuring that Figure 01 is equipped with the latest capabilities.

The company’s future strategy includes:

  • Maintaining speedy development cycles
  • Rolling out updates for both hardware and software biannually
  • Unveiling second-generation hardware and software by the summer

These plans will keep the momentum going and ensure that Figure 01 remains at the forefront of innovation.

Features of Figure 01

Figure 01 release date
Figure 01 Release Date, Rumors, and News: What to Expect? 5

Upon examining Figure 01, it becomes evident that the humanoid robot boasts numerous sophisticated features. At its core, Figure 01 is infused with OpenAI technology, enabling it to engage in seamless conversations with humans. Leveraging OpenAI’s large language models, the robot can describe its visual experiences, plan future actions, and articulate its reasoning verbally. This multi-modal input allows Figure 01 to assimilate high-level visual and language intelligence, making it a versatile companion in any environment.

One of the standout features of Figure 01 is its human-like dexterity. The robot’s design and engineering allow it to perform tasks that require precision and coordination. From climbing stairs and lifting boxes to using tools, Figure 01’s humanoid form equips it to handle a wide range of activities. Its ‘race helmet”-inspired head, complete with an LCD screen, facilitates effective communication with human users.

Figure’s collaboration with OpenAI goes beyond conversational abilities. The partnership aims to develop AI technology that enables Figure 01 to process and reason from language, further enhancing its decision-making capabilities. This level of reasoning and autonomy sets Figure 01 apart from conventional humanoid robots, positioning it as a leader in the field.

To top it all off, Figure 01’s advanced AI and dexterity make it suitable for various industries. Whether it’s assisting in manufacturing, logistics, or even domestic tasks, the robot’s ability to interact and perform with human-like efficiency makes it an invaluable asset.

Addressing Labor Shortages with Figure 01

Figure 01 is poised to offer a viable solution in a global landscape grappling with escalating labor shortages. By integrating into the workforce, Figure 01 is designed to address labor shortages and improve productivity across various sectors. Its ability to perform tasks that are often deemed unsafe or undesirable for humans makes it a game-changer in addressing drastic labor shortages.

The initial deployment of Figure 01 will focus on industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and warehousing, where labor shortages are most acute. With its fully electric design and the ability to run for 5 hours on a single charge, Figure 01 is well-suited to handle the demands of these environments. By taking on tasks typically performed by human workers, the robot can help fill gaps in the workforce and maintain productivity levels.

Moreover, Figure’s vision includes rapidly integrating humanoid robots into commercial operations, further alleviating labor constraints. The company’s focus on creating robots capable of performing unsafe or undesirable jobs underscores its commitment to improving workplace safety and efficiency. As Figure 01 begins to roll out, its impact on addressing labor shortages will be closely watched.

The Figure Team’s Vision

The Figure Team's Vision
Figure 01 Release Date, Rumors, and News: What to Expect? 6

A team of seasoned professionals and innovators fuels the vision propelling Figure 01. Founded in 2022 by Brett Adcock, who previously founded Archer Aviation, Figure aims to revolutionize the robotics industry by addressing labor shortages and eliminating unsafe jobs. Brett Adcock emphasizes the need for increased productivity through automation, envisioning a future where robots like Figure 01 play a crucial role.

Leading the development of Figure 01 is Dr. Jerry Pratt, a seasoned expert with experience in the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals and NASA’s Valkyrie project. Under his guidance, the team has made significant strides in creating a robot that not only mimics human form but also performs tasks with unparalleled efficiency. The goal is to leverage embodied AI to make a transformative impact on humanity, reshaping how we approach work and productivity.

Christopher McFadden from Figure highlighted the almost limitless potential of technology to reshape society. With $675 million in funding from notable investors, including:

  • Jeff Bezos
  • Microsoft
  • OpenAI
  • Intel
  • Ark Invest

the company is well-positioned to achieve its ambitious goals.

The Figure team, also known as the figure team, has a vision that is not just about building a robot; it’s about creating a better world where technology and humanity coexist harmoniously.

Comparison with Other Humanoid Robots

Several distinguishing features set Figure 01 apart when compared to other humanoid robots. It has:

  • Height: 5 feet 6 inches
  • Weight: 132 pounds
  • Payload capacity: 44 pounds
  • Walking speed: 2.7 miles per hour

These specifications make it similar in size and build to robots like the Optimus robot, and it matches the performance metrics of many general-purpose humanoid robots.

However, what truly sets Figure 01 apart is its ability to perform autonomous tasks. For instance, Figure 01 has demonstrated the capability to complete tasks such as:

  • making coffee
  • cleaning the house
  • cooking meals
  • doing laundry

It achieves this by training its neural network through repeated observations. This level of autonomous task performance gives Figure 01 an operational edge over many other humanoid robots, which often rely on pre-programmed instructions for specific functions.

The integration of cutting-edge AI technology also distinguishes Figure 01 from its peers. While many robots are designed as single function robots, Figure 01’s features include:

  • Multi-modal input and reasoning capabilities
  • Adaptability to various tasks and environments
  • Its versatility makes it a valuable asset in industries ranging from manufacturing to logistics

This sets a new standard for what your own humanoid robot can achieve.

Initial Deployment and Future Plans

With the initial deployment of Figure 01 approaching, the emphasis lies on industries suffering from significant labor shortages. The robot aims to benefit the following sectors:

  • Manufacturing
  • Shipping
  • Logistics
  • Warehousing
  • Retail

By addressing the immediate needs of these industries, Figure 01 aims to fill critical gaps in the workforce and enhance overall productivity.

Looking ahead, the future plans for Figure 01 are even more ambitious. The company envisions expanding the robot’s applications to include space exploration and elderly care. By leveraging robots to assist the aging population, Figure aims to provide solutions that enhance quality of life and support independent living. The goal is to manufacture and deploy 1 million humanoid robots by 2030, a testament to the company’s long-term vision and commitment.

This forward-thinking approach underscores the potential of Figure 01 to not only address current labor shortages but also pave the way for new possibilities. As the robot begins its journey in commercial operations, its impact will be closely monitored, setting the stage for future innovations in the field of robotics.

Behind the Scenes: Building Figure 01

Behind the Scenes: Building Figure 01
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A team of industry experts’ collaborative efforts have culminated in the development of Figure 01. Comprising 40 specialists with a combined 100 years of experience in AI and humanoid robotics, the team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the project. Dr. Jerry Pratt, with over 20 years of humanoid experience, serves as the Chief Technology Officer, guiding the technical aspects of Figure 01’s development.

The team includes engineers from renowned organizations such as Boston Dynamics, Tesla, Google DeepMind, and Apple, each contributing their unique skills to the project. In the past year, the company has expanded to 60 employees. They now have specialists in AI, controls, embedded software, electrical, mechanical, actuator design, battery, integration, and testing. This diverse expertise ensures that every aspect of Figure 01’s design and functionality is meticulously crafted.

Figure’s headquarters are equipped with specialized areas for motor and actuator development, electronics buildup, and AI learning perception systems. Development teams focus on improving the robot’s mobility and interaction capabilities, with dedicated groups working on walking/gait and manipulation with arms, hands, and fingers. The result is a robot that embodies ‘whole body reasoning,’ achieving natural arm swings and regulating angular momentum for torso and pelvis motion.

The unveiling of Figure 01 as the world’s first humanoid, commercially viable general-purpose humanoid robot, marks a significant milestone in robotics.

Impact on the Workforce

Incorporating Figure 01 into the workforce gives rise to both opportunities and potential hurdles. On one hand, automation technologies like Figure 01 can significantly enhance supply chain efficiency and productivity. By performing tasks that are often routine and manual, the robot can help address drastic labor shortages in various industries.

However, the rise of automation also has potential implications for job displacement and wage reduction. Studies have shown that adding one robot per 1,000 workers can reduce wages by 0.42% and the employment-to-population ratio by 0.2 percentage points. Industries that heavily rely on routine manual labor, such as automotive and electronics, are particularly susceptible to these changes.

Despite these challenges, Figure’s robots are designed with the intention of complementing the workforce, particularly in sectors facing severe labor shortages. By taking on unsafe and undesirable jobs, Figure 01 aims to create a safer and more efficient work environment. As the robot integrates into various industries, its impact on the workforce will continue to evolve, shaping the future of work in profound ways.

How to Stay Updated

For those interested in the rapidly developing fields of AI and robotics, staying informed of the most recent developments in Figure 01 is essential. One effective way to keep abreast of new information is by subscribing to reputable AI news websites such as TechCrunch, VentureBeat, and AI News. These platforms regularly cover breakthroughs and updates in the robotics industry, ensuring that you never miss out on important news.

Additionally, following influential AI figures and organizations on social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn can provide real-time updates and insights. Joining AI-specific newsletters, such as The Batch by OpenAI and The AI Weekly by DeepMind, offers curated content directly to your inbox, keeping you informed about the latest trends and advancements.

Engaging in online AI communities and forums on platforms like Reddit, Quora, and Stack Exchange can also enhance your understanding and allow you to participate in discussions with like-minded enthusiasts. Finally, attending AI conferences and workshops like Ai4 and NeurIPS can provide networking opportunities and firsthand exposure to cutting-edge research and technologies.

Figure 01 Pricing Guide

Potential adopters will likely consider the pricing of Figure 01 as a critical aspect. The cost of the humanoid robot ranges between $30,000 and $150,000, depending on its configuration and capabilities. This price range reflects the advanced technology and engineering that have gone into developing Figure 01, making it a valuable investment for industries looking to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Currently, Figure 01 is in its developmental and partnership phase and is not yet available to consumers. As the robot moves closer to full-scale production and deployment, more detailed pricing information and purchasing options will likely become available. For now, interested parties should stay tuned for further announcements and updates from the company.

Figure 01 Rumors and News

Enthusiasts and industry experts alike have kept a keen eye on Figure 01’s progress. In March 2023, Figure AI announced the development of Figure 01, a general-purpose humanoid robot designed to handle unsafe or undesirable jobs. Since then, the company has released several videos showcasing the robot’s capabilities, including walking and making coffee.

One notable demonstration involved Figure 01 completing a fully autonomous task of picking a bin and placing it on a conveyor belt. These demonstrations have generated significant excitement and anticipation for the robot’s release. Additionally, a substantial $675 million funding round is expected to close soon, with investments from:

  • Microsoft
  • OpenAI
  • Jeff Bezos’ Explore Investments
  • Nvidia
  • Intel
  • Samsung

This influx of funding will undoubtedly lend support to further advancements and innovations in the development of Figure 01.


In summary, the upcoming release of Figure 01 marks a significant milestone in the field of robotics. With its advanced features, such as OpenAI technology and human-like dexterity, Figure 01 is poised to revolutionize various industries by addressing labor shortages and improving productivity. The vision and dedication of the Figure team, combined with substantial funding and industry expertise, have paved the way for this groundbreaking development.

As we look to the future, the potential applications of Figure 01 extend beyond traditional industries to areas like space exploration and elderly care. By integrating robots like Figure 01 into our workforce, we can create a safer, more efficient, and more productive world. The journey of Figure 01 is just beginning, and its impact on the future of work and society as a whole promises to be profound and far-reaching.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the official release date of Figure 01?

The official release date of Figure 01 was on March 2, 2023, when it was first revealed to the public.

What are some of the key features of Figure 01?

Figure 01 features advanced OpenAI technology, multi-modal input, and human-like dexterity, enabling it to perform tasks like climbing stairs, lifting boxes, and using tools.

How does Figure 01 address labor shortages?

Figure 01 addresses labor shortages by integrating into various industries to perform tasks that are unsafe or undesirable for humans, thus improving productivity and alleviating the shortage of human labor.

What is the price range for Figure 01?

The price range for Figure 01 varies between $30,000 and $150,000, based on its configuration and capabilities.

How can I stay updated on developments related to Figure 01?

You can stay updated on developments related to Figure 01 by subscribing to AI news websites, following influential figures on social media, joining AI-specific newsletters, engaging in online communities, and attending AI conferences and workshops.

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