
Figure 01 vs Tesla Optimus Gen 2

Tesla Optimus Gen 2 face

In resolving the ‘Figure 01 vs. Tesla Optimus Gen 2’ dilemma, key aspects such as design, functionality, and AI integration come under the spotlight. This straight-to-the-point comparison lays out the strengths and limitations of both figures in the realm of humanoid robotics. Here, without excess fluff, you’ll find what differentiates these robots and how each may serve your needs or fit into various industries.

Key Takeaways of Figure 01 vs Tesla Optimus Gen 2

  • Figure 01 and Tesla Gen 2 represent significant advancements in humanoid robotics with enhanced design, battery technology, and handling capabilities, enabling them to work alongside humans and perform complex tasks.
  • The robots are equipped with advanced sensory perception systems that combine lidar, depth cameras, and AI to interact effectively with their environment, featuring autonomous learning and cognitive functions like real-time conversations and skills distribution.
  • Widespread practical applications of these robots are emerging across various sectors, raising prospects for assistance in daily life and industry, even as ethical considerations and the future of human employment in the face of advancing robot autonomy remain points of discussion.

Cutting-Edge Design and Specifications

In the world of robotics, the devil is in the details, and the physical specifications of a robot are the bedrock of its functionality. Figure 01 emerges as a testament to human-like design, standing at 5’6” and weighing a nimble 60 kg, crafted for environments built by and for humans. In contrast, Tesla’s Optimus Gen 2 has streamlined its architecture, shedding 10 kilograms from the previous generation, a strategic move to enhance balance and agility.

The heart of Figure 01’s capability to handle delicate objects and perform complex tasks lies within the M107 joint motor. With its high torque and precision, this motor from Unitree represents the most recent developments in robotics. Powering Figure 01’s ambitious endeavors is the formidable H1 robot battery, boasting a capacity of 864Wh to ensure that it can operate for extended periods without the need for frequent recharging.

But it’s not only about the prowess concealed within. The outward design of these robots is user-friendly, signaling a shift towards robots that can seamlessly integrate into daily life and the workforce. Tesla Gen 2, following its lineage of sleek automotive design, brings a similar aesthetic to humanoid robotics, creating a visual appeal that complements its mechanical sophistication.

The manufacturing landscape is brimming with potential as these robots prepare to enter the fray. With each technological leap, we create new possibilities and set higher benchmarks in battery technology. Figure 01 and Tesla Gen 2 are at the forefront of this revolution, embodying the convergence of design elegance and advanced engineering.

Locomotion and Manipulation Capabilities

Figure 01

A deep understanding of these advanced humanoid robots requires exploring their locomotion and manipulation capabilities. Figure 01 boasts an impressive 19 degrees of freedom across its joints, fostering fluid and dynamic movements akin to those of a human. Tesla’s Optimus Gen 2, not to be outdone, features hands with an 11-degree-of-freedom design, optimizing it for the agility required in tasks demanding fine motor skills.

In terms of speed, Tesla Optimus outpaces its competitors, engineered to walk at speeds up to 5 mph, a testament to its advanced stability and foot force and torque sensing capabilities. Figure 01, however, champions a top speed of 2.7 mph with a focus on dynamic bipedal walking, demonstrating an impressive balance between speed and the ability to navigate complex terrains.

The technological marvel lies in the design of both robots’ hands, meticulously crafted to emulate the dexterity of human hands. This feature is crucial for the robots to perform complex tasks, from operating tools to delicately manipulating objects. It’s this human-like touch that elevates these robots from mere automated machines to general-purpose robots capable of tackling a variety of tasks previously thought to be the exclusive domain of humans.

Boston Dynamics’ Atlas might have set the bar high for humanoid robots, but Figure 01 and Tesla Optimus Gen 2 are pushing the envelope further. With arms designed for both strength and precision, they are fully autonomous entities ready to take on repetitive and dangerous tasks that would otherwise pose risks to human workers.

The integration of advanced humanoid robots into our daily lives is not a distant dream anymore. The capabilities of these new robots, demonstrated by Figure 01 and Tesla Gen 2, are a harbinger of a future where humanoids will operate alongside us, augmenting our abilities and transforming how we interact with the world.

Sensory Perception and AI Integration

Figure 01 vs Tesla Optimus Gen 2

The sensory perception systems of these AI-powered humanoid robots are akin to the senses in humans, giving them the ability to navigate and interact with the world. Figure 01 utilizes the MID-360 Lidar and D435i depth camera for an all-encompassing environmental perception, allowing it to scan its surroundings omnidirectionally and detect obstacles with ease. Tesla’s Optimus Gen 2 is similarly equipped with sophisticated sensors, likely drawing from Tesla’s experience in autonomous vehicles to include cameras, ultrasonic sensors, and radars.

Both robots’ perception systems enable them to identify objects and interact with their environment effectively. This is not just a matter of hardware; it’s the fusion of sensors with AI that enhances their capabilities. Figure 01 takes cognitive functions a notch higher with OpenAI’s models, allowing it to respond to verbal instructions and engage in real-time conversations.

Autonomous learning is at the forefront of robotics technology, and Figure 01 does not disappoint. With the capacity to:

  • Learn from videos
  • Share knowledge through swarm intelligence
  • Independently acquire new skills
  • Distribute skills across a network of robots

This level of knowledge exchange and enhancement is truly revolutionary, paving the way for a fleet of robots that evolve together.

The agility of these robots, developed by agility robotics, is not just in their physical movements but also in their cognitive abilities, including robot responding. Continued innovation in the robotics industry, particularly the integration of AI and computer vision, is revolutionizing how robots interact with their environment, making them more than just tools but intelligent companions capable of understanding and assisting with human actions.

Practical Applications in the Real World

The potential deployment of Figure 01 and Tesla’s Optimus Gen 2 across various sectors signifies a new era. This shift extends the influence of robots beyond manufacturing and logistics to include retail, warehousing, and caregiving. The design of Figure 01, in particular, emphasizes its role as a general-purpose robot, one that can operate alongside human workers, integrating seamlessly into the workplace.

The global demographic shift towards an aging population, coupled with labor shortages, is propelling the demand for humanoid robots capable of providing assistance in daily life and various sectors. This is not merely a trend but a necessity, as businesses and communities seek solutions to maintain progress amid changing societal structures.

These robots offer practical applications that go beyond accomplishing industrial tasks. They have the potential to interact with humans, learning from human actions and working alongside us to address the challenges of hazardous environments and dangerous tasks. This symbiotic relationship between humans and robots is reshaping the business model of companies, with technology playing a central role in development and innovation.

However, the integration of robots into our daily routines presents some obstacles. As we develop these advanced humanoid robots, we must also navigate the complexities of human-robot interactions, ensuring that the technology we create enhances rather than disrupts our way of life. The progress in robotics promises to revolutionize our approach to work, but it also poses questions about the future of human employment and the ethical considerations of robot autonomy.

Despite these challenges, the latest advancements in humanoid robotics signify a leap towards a world where robots and humans coexist and collaborate. The development of robots like Figure 01 and Tesla’s Optimus Gen 2 is not just an achievement in technology; it’s a stepping stone towards a future where the boundaries between humans and machines become increasingly blurred.

Innovations in Control Systems

Tesla Optimus Gen 2

Figure 01 and Tesla Gen 2 are notable not only for their physical prowess but also for their advanced control systems. A computing unit controls Figure 01’s movements, and an optional “Development Computing Unit” gives engineers a platform to work on secondary development. Tesla Gen 2, on the other hand, centralizes its connection points for motors, sensors, and Ethernet through accessible electrical interfaces, simplifying the development and debugging process.

Google’s DialogFlow empowers these robots to engage in conversation with humans, giving them conversational capabilities that enhance human-robot interactions. Additionally, Exosphere by Synthiam introduces a groundbreaking remote control system, merging automation with human expertise to enable telepresence applications that extend the reach of human capabilities.

Autonomous learning is the new frontier in robotics control, with reinforcement learning and generative AI enabling humanoid robots to instantly exchange acquired skills over a network. This innovation is critical for scalability, enabling a single breakthrough to benefit an entire fleet of robots.

Equally important is the ability of these robots to:

  • Perceive depth accurately, a feature significantly enhanced by the Intel RealSense D435i sensor
  • Allow for safe navigation and interaction
  • Ensure that as robots become more prevalent in our lives, they do so in a way that prioritizes the safety and comfort of the humans around them.

The Future Trajectory of Humanoid Robotics

Looking forward into the future of humanoid robotics reveals a landscape that is both exciting and fraught with challenges. Analysts project that the humanoid robot market could soar beyond $150 billion in annual revenue within the next 15 years, a figure that speaks volumes about the potential of these technological marvels. Central to realizing this potential is the goal of reducing the cost of humanoid robots to under $50,000, a milestone that would pave the way for mass adoption and a broader integration into society.

This potential growth carries extensive implications. Imagine a world where advanced humanoid robots are as commonplace as electric vehicles, where every household and business could benefit from the versatility and support of a robotic companion. This future is not just about the robots themselves but also about the broader trend of automation and AI that is reshaping our world.

As we witness the ascent of advanced humanoid robots like Figure 01 and Tesla’s Optimus, we must also consider the evolving role of human workers. The rise of robotics may signal a profound transformation in the workforce, with human actions supplemented or even replaced by robotic efficiency. Yet, it also opens up new possibilities for human creativity and innovation.

In the end, humanoid robotics is not a journey that robots take by themselves. It’s a journey that we, as humans, undertake alongside our robotic counterparts, defining the next generation of technology and its place in our lives. The dreams of science fiction writers are becoming our reality, and the collaboration between humans and robots is crafting a future that is limited only by our imagination.


In the ultimate showdown of humanoid robot innovation, Figure 01 and Tesla Gen 2 stand as towering examples of human ingenuity and technological prowess. From their cutting-edge designs to their nimble manipulation capabilities, advanced perception systems, and revolutionary control technologies, these robots encapsulate the progress and potential of AI-powered humanoids. As we contemplate their practical applications and the future trajectory of robotics, we are reminded that the fusion of human creativity with robotic efficiency holds the key to unlocking a new chapter in our collective story, one where robots and humans collaborate to create a world beyond our wildest dreams.

Want to learn about other humanoid robots? Check out this curated list of the best humanoid robots.

Frequently Asked Questions

What differentiates Figure 01’s movement capabilities from Tesla Gen 2?

Figure 01 has 19 degrees of freedom across its joints for dynamic movement, whereas the Tesla Gen 2 has hands with an 11-degree-of-freedom design optimized for agile manipulation and can walk at speeds up to 5 mph, compared to Figure 01’s 2.7 mph.

How do the sensory perception systems in these robots compare to human senses?

The sensory perception systems in these robots closely resemble human senses, using LiDAR and depth cameras to navigate and interact with their environment, while being enhanced by AI models for advanced environmental understanding.

Can Figure 01 and Tesla Gen 2 learn new tasks on their own?

Yes, both Figure 01 and Tesla Gen 2 have AI capabilities that enable them to learn new tasks on their own through autonomous learning and swarm intelligence.

What are the practical applications of humanoid robots like Figure 01 and Tesla Gen 2?

Humanoid robots like Figure 01 and Tesla Gen 2 are designed for practical applications across industries such as manufacturing, logistics, warehousing, retail, and caregiving to address labor shortages and assist in repetitive or hazardous tasks.

What is the anticipated market growth for humanoid robots, and why is cost reduction important?

The anticipated market growth for humanoid robots is projected to surpass $150 billion in annual revenue within 15 years. Cost reduction to under $50,000 is important for mass adoption and broader societal integration of these technologies.


About Dean Fankhauser

Dean Fankhauser is the Founder of Blu.Ventures and Holdigo, which are the makers of Robozaps, Bitcompare, Movingto, PromptPal, and more.

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