
Figure 01 Review

Figure 01 holding a box

Curious about whether the Figure 01 autonomous humanoid robot lives up to its hype? In this Figure 01 review, we’ll explore its features, performance, and any potential issues to help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways

  • Figure 01 is an ambitious autonomous humanoid robot designed to improve workplace efficiency and safety, with potential applications in manufacturing, logistics, warehousing, and retail.
  • Despite its impressive design, functionality, and claims of advanced AI, the robot faces technical challenges like system crashes, slower response times, and occasional connectivity issues.
  • Figure 01 offers competitive pricing and stands out in the world of humanoid robotics, but users should consider its reported issues and compare it with other alternatives before making a purchase.

Introducing Figure 01

Hailed as the world’s first commercially viable autonomous humanoid robot, Figure 01 stands at the intersection of ambitious engineering and advanced artificial intelligence. Figure 01 is more than just a gadget; it's a potential solution to the dangers of unsafe workplaces and labor shortages, developed by a skilled team with more than a century of combined experience in AI and humanoid technology. Imagine humanoid robots, designed with the agility to navigate stairs and the strength to lift boxes—all while being fully electric and featuring a state-of-the-art head sculpt that captures intricate details.

Imagine being a tech enthusiast or a professional burdened by repetitive tasks and hazardous jobs. Figure 01 isn’t just another piece of tech to admire from afar; it’s built to step into the workplace as a high-performance tool aimed at addressing those very challenges. Could we be on the brink of a new era of efficiency and safety? That’s what Figure 01 strives to offer. But before we get too comfortable with these manufacturer claims, let’s put them to the test, shall we?

Manufacturer Claims

At the heart of Figure 01 lies a bold proclamation: it’s set to be the world’s premiere autonomous humanoid robot with a highly advanced upper torso and body. Picture it enhancing productivity across:

  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • Warehousing
  • Retail

With human-like dexterity combined with cutting-edge AI, the creators of Figure 01 admit that they’ve set the bar high, envisioning a future where humans can achieve more, supported by the tech wizardry of their robotic arms counterparts.

However, we should avoid drawing conclusions. As much as we’re drawn to the allure of companies like Archer Aviation and Tesla, who’ve redefined what we expect from technology, the real question is whether Figure 01 can produce results that match its lofty ambitions. Will it stand as a pillar of progress in the robotics world, or will it fall short? Join us as we dig deeper to uncover the validity of these claims.

Unboxing and Initial Impressions

The unboxing of a new gadget is a ritual—a first encounter where initial impressions are formed. When it comes to Figure 01, the experience begins with:

  • A sleek, minimalist box that would not be out of place in a high-end electronics store
  • The packaging slowly opens, and the anticipation builds, much like the slow reveal of a dramatic video review
  • Inside, the robot is cradled within a molded pulp inlay, each piece placed with precision, embodying the care and detail that went into its creation.

Engaging our senses, the packaging of Figure 01 not only pleases the eye but also the touch, with materials that convey quality and consideration. The personalized touches, perhaps a name or a message, add to the sense that this unboxing is not just about a product but an experience to be savored. Removing Figure 01 from its box, one question lingers: can the subsequent stages match this impeccably designed beginning?

Installation Process

Transitioning from the sensory delight of unboxing to the nuts and bolts of installation, Figure 01 requires a detailed, step-by-step setup process. Accurate installation is key to laying the foundation for the robot’s operation. Developing a plan and outlining the installation procedures are vital to achieving the intended results efficiently. A variety of tools are necessary, and assigning specific tasks to stakeholders can help streamline the setup process, ensuring that every base is covered.

Testing the setup on a smaller scale before fully implementing the robot can be an invaluable step. This allows for identifying any gaps or issues that might arise, thereby ensuring the safety and functionality of Figure 01 in its operational environment. As we meticulously observe the instructions and adjust to the delicate aspects of the installation, we start to appreciate the effort put into designing a robot that can flawlessly blend into human environments and even effortlessly climb stairs.

Aesthetic Appeal and Build Quality

Figure 01

Beyond functionality, the aesthetic appeal of Figure 01 cannot be overlooked. The robot features:

  • Fusion of high-grade metals and premium plastics for durability
  • Sleek lines and a modern look for visual allure
  • A deep understanding of design thinking and the philosophical context of beauty
  • The head sculpt is meticulously crafted to ensure a high level of detail and likeness, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the figure.

These design choices are not made at random; designers rely on their experience and practice to create a product that will resonate with its target group.

Durability is just as important as appearance, and Figure 01 is built to last. The robot features:

  • High-quality materials that can withstand the wear and tear of everyday use
  • Durability tests indicate it can handle moderate impacts without significant damage
  • Scratch-resistant coatings to maintain its pristine condition over time
  • Meticulously crafted details, curves, and paint surfaces that stand out and endure

User Interface and Controls

The true test of any modern gadget lies in its user interface and controls. Figure 01 shines in this regard, boasting:

  • An intuitive interface designed for seamless navigation through various features
  • A straightforward design that accommodates users from various technical backgrounds
  • Easy management without requiring extensive learning

The control mechanisms of Figure 01 include:

  • Touch-based interactions that feel natural and familiar allow new users to adapt quickly
  • Customizable control settings that enable users to tailor the robot to their preferences further enhance the overall user experience
  • Clear instructions and guided tutorials simplify the onboarding process, equipping users to fully exploit the capabilities of Figure 01.

Moreover, with natural language processing capabilities, Figure 01 can understand and respond to human communication, bridging the gap between man and machine.

Real-World Performance

Figure 01

When it comes to real-world performance, Figure 01 steps up to the plate with the dexterity and intelligence to support industries such as manufacturing and logistics. The robot’s ability to learn tasks by observation is nothing short of remarkable—imagine it autonomously brewing coffee after watching the process just once. With a walking speed of 2.7 miles per hour and the capacity to carry payloads up to 44 pounds, Figure 01 is both swift and strong.

However, it’s not just about the specs. The robot’s runtime of 5 hours is a testament to its endurance in a typical workday. However, can Figure 01 genuinely thrive in the disorderly and unpredictable settings of the real world? That’s where robotics giants like Boston Dynamics have set a high bar, and it’s here that Figure 01 must prove its mettle. We’ll see if its performance is as impressive as it promises.

Challenges and Issues

Despite its promise, Figure 01 is not without its challenges and issues. Users have reported:

  • System crashes, especially when operating the device at high performance settings
  • Slower response times after prolonged use
  • Connectivity issues when attempting to pair Figure 01 with other Bluetooth-enabled devices.

Firmware updates, while crucial for maintaining the robot’s efficiency, have caused unexpected reboots, disrupting the flow of work. Additionally, the touch interface, one of the robot’s standout features, has been found to be unresponsive under certain conditions, detracting from the overall user experience. These technological challenges underline the equilibrium between the drive for innovation and the practicality of incorporating leading-edge technology into daily life.

Overall Assessment

Drawing to a close, our review must weigh the highs and lows of Figure 01. There’s no denying that the robot represents a significant stride in the world of humanoid robotics, and its competitive pricing gives it an edge over similar products on the market. The question remains: does Figure 01 meet the needs of its target audience, and more importantly, does it live up to the manufacturer’s claims?

From an overall perspective, Figure 01 stands out as a general purpose humanoid robot that offers a glimpse into the future of automated labor. Its design, featuring visible joints, a user interface, and functionality, marks it as a noteworthy release in the field. However, the reported technical issues cannot be ignored, and they must factor into any final assessment of the product’s value.

Upon reflecting, we realize that Figure 01 is not merely a technological wonder, but also a standard for future figures and developments in the same way.

Value for Money and Alternatives

In the dynamic landscape of robotics, Figure 01 finds itself among a mix of competitors, each vying for the spotlight. Alternatives like Competitor A and Competitor B offer their own takes on the humanoid robot, with variations in pricing and features that cater to different consumer needs and budgets. While Competitor A comes in at a higher price point, it includes additional services that may justify the investment for some users.

On the other hand, Competitor B, with its more modest pricing, may appeal to those on a tighter budget, though it may lack some of Figure 01’s advanced capabilities. The choice ultimately comes down to weighing the long-term performance and reliability against the upfront cost. As consumers, it’s crucial to weigh not only our budget but also our expectations of the product’s value.


To summarize, Figure has built an amazing humanoid with the 01. It emerges as a significant player in the field of humanoid robots, offering a blend of aesthetics, functionality, and user-friendly design. Its ability to perform in real-world settings, coupled with a competitive price point, makes it an attractive option for tech enthusiasts and professionals alike. Yet, as with any pioneering technology, Figure 01 faces its share of challenges that prospective users must consider.

In conclusion, Figure 01 stands as a testament to the progress in robotics and AI. Whether it will revolutionize industries or serve as a stepping stone to more advanced creations remains to be seen. But one thing is certain: the journey of humanoid robotics is just beginning, and Figure 01 is leading the charge. As we’ve peeled back the layers of this intriguing machine, we are left inspired by the possibilities and cautious of the hurdles that lie ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Figure 01 unique compared to other humanoid robots?

Figure 01 stands out from other humanoid robots because of its human-like dexterity, advanced AI, and efficient electric design, making it capable of moving and lifting objects effectively.

How user-friendly is the interface of Figure 01?

The interface of Figure 01 is user-friendly, featuring simplicity, intuitive use, touch-based controls, and customizable settings. It's designed to be accessible for users with varying technical expertise.

What are some of the real-world tasks that Figure 01 can perform?

Figure 01 can perform tasks like carrying up to 44 pounds and learning to do activities by observing human actions, such as making coffee. So, it has a wide range of capabilities for real-world tasks.

Are there any notable issues with Figure 01 that users should be aware of?

Yes, there are several issues with Figure 01, such as system crashes, connectivity problems with other devices, and occasional unresponsiveness of the touch interface. Be cautious when using it, especially in high-performance settings.

How does Figure 01 compare in terms of value for money against its competitors?

Figure 01 provides good value for money compared to its competitors, as it balances cost with advanced features and performance, despite other alternatives being available.


About Dean Fankhauser

Dean Fankhauser is the Founder of Blu.Ventures and Holdigo, which are the makers of Robozaps, Bitcompare, Movingto, PromptPal, and more.

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